Whether you are in North America, Africa or Asia, we have numerous volunteer opportunities that allow you to serve in the country and community where you live. We want this to be a fun and incredible experience that best fits your talents and our needs. Please CLICK HERE to contact us for a custom fit for the right volunteer opportunity for you.

We tell many of our international partners that we provide the fuel (resources) but they are the engine doing the work. Every dollar given towards the ministry helps the great leaders take their work that much further and deeper. Most people do simple "peer to peer" fundraising for a specific project or place on their heart or as an alternative gift for birthdays or Christmas. Click Here if you would like for us to help you set up a giving page or if you are interested in something more.

Prayer has been transformational for Sustainable Med. We have seen time and time again when God has provided resource, answers, and open doors in miraculous ways. Click Here if you would like to join the Prayer team and received emails every month about the answers to pray and current needs.
By Mail
Sustainable Medical Missions
PO Box 498493
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Give securely online with your credit card, debit card, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay or PayPal by clicking on the “Donate” button.
Over the Phone
(513) 543-2896
Gifts of Securities (stocks, bonds, etc)
Brokerage Company: Fidelity
DTC # 0226
Account Number: Z40383606
Name on account: Sustainable Medical Missions, Inc.
Contact: David Snyder
Phone number: 513-543-2896
Sustainable Medical Missions is 501(c)3 public charity. All donations are tax deductible.