What is a LEADER of Excellence?
These are sites that demonstrate the highest level of professionalism and understanding regarding the mission, values and principles of Sustainable Med. These sites serve as a training and mentoring center for their region and beyond to help better equip others to bring health and hope through the love of Christ. They seek to reproduce the vision and training they have received to others in a way that is relevant and practical as they use their experiences to illuminate the path for those they are mentoring.
Leaders of Excellence
Rutshuru, DR Congo - Pastor Alain Baroti
Goma, DR Congo - Pastor Bertin Mwema
South Kivu, DR Congo - Pastor Eric Ombeni
North Kivu, DR Congo - Pastor Jacques Nsengiyumva
Bolgatanga, Ghana - Thomas Lerewanu
Delhi, India - Pastor Deven
Kotagiri, India - Pastor Jeeva
Kakamega, Kenya - Eluid Omutanyi
Butere, Kenya - Pastor Joseph Chiteri
Malooi, Kenya - Pastor Kioko Mwangangi
Lilongwe, Malawi - Efrida Mtawali
Mutura, Rwanda - Angelique Uwamahoro
Nyabirasi, Rwanda - Pastor Etienne Turimumahoro
Nkomane, Rwanda - Marie Claire Ingabire
Gesenyi, Rwanda - Pastor Pascal Ndajimana
Karangazi, Rwanda - Pastor Safari Jean Bosco
Burera, Rwanda - Patrick Singura
Dodoma, Tanzania - Pastor Florian Kamala
Kisoro, Uganda - Pastor Festo Bizimana
Kyankwanzi, Uganda - Henry Mutebi
Kasama, Zambia - Pastor Chanda Mpundu
Mumbwa, Zambia - Pastor Peter Chise